FAQ: Your Questions Answered

About Synergy SKY products and services 

Welcome to the Synergy SKY FAQ! Find quick answers to common questions about our video conferencing solutions, including features, integration, and support options.

Product Spesifics


Technical Integration


Use Cases and Industries


Support and Resources


Getting Started

  • What are the steps to start a trial or purchase Synergy SKY products?

    It is easy to get started. There are 3 different trials available here. Get in touch with us to get an offer. Purchasing can be done either through our certified partners or from Cisco. 

  • Are there demos or trials available for potential customers to explore?

    Demos can be organized and delivered to any video system. Get a demo here 

  • What is SIP video?

    SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) video is a protocol used for initiating, maintaining, and terminating real-time sessions that involve video (and audio) communication. It is widely used in video conferencing systems to enable different devices and platforms to communicate seamlessly. SIP video allows for the establishment of video calls over the internet, handling signaling and control, and ensuring interoperability between various video conferencing solutions. This protocol is essential for ensuring that video communication can occur smoothly across different systems and networks. 

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