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Support > FAQs > Best Practice - Customize your meeting invitations 

Customize your meeting invitations using the Microsoft Teams Admin Center


The following provides guidance to add a centralized email footer for all Microsoft Teams Meetings.   For more detail, please see link and steps below: Customize meeting invitations (IT admins) - Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Learn


What to do?

  1. Navigate to the Teams admin center
  2. In the left navigation, go to Meetings > Meeting settings.
  3. Under Email invitation, do the following:
    • Logo URL Enter the URL where your logo is stored.
    • Privacy and security URL If your organization has a legal website that you want people to go to for any legal concerns, enter the URL here.
    • Help URL If your organization has a support website that you want people to go to if they run into issues, enter the URL here.
    • Footer Enter text that you want to include as a footer.
  4. Select Preview invite to see a preview of your meeting invitation.
  5. When you're done, select Save.
  6. Wait an hour or so for the changes to propagate and schedule a Teams meeting to see what the meeting invitation looks like.

Example Text


Add the following in the footer section:

<span style="font-size:16px; color:242424; font-weight:600; margin-right:4px">Dial-in by Video System</span><br>From a video conferencing system please call ""<br> where you replace "meetingID" with the Meeting ID found above. <br>E.g. ""<br><img src="" alt="Synergy SKY" width="300" height="105">



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