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Support > Troubleshooting > My Matching Rules Does Not Work

My Matching Rules Do Not Work



Synergy SKY uses a series of Matching Rules when processing new meeting invites to determine the type of meeting and what specific dial-string is required to populate OBTP/OTD for the associated Room and Video System. In some instances these rules may not work as intended. This is typically something that appears during initial setup, during changes to the environment Synergy SKY is deployed in, or if unexpected external changes are made.


The most common reasons and their solutions are listed below.


Note: This article assumes previous troubleshooting steps have occurred and you have thus pinpointed the Matching Rules as the likely culprit.



Problem Cause Description Solution
No URI in CONTROL, no match in logs, & meeting invite in Room calendar is blank deletecomments is likely set to $true If deletecomments is $true, Exchange will delete the body of any meeting it processes. Without this body information, there is nothing for the Matching Rules to do.
This is often missed when adding more rooms to the Synergy SKY Management Suite sometime after initial setup.
If possible, use "in Headers" rules for internal invitations, as they bypass all of these issues.
Ensure correct room permissions.
On affected rooms: Set-CalendarProcessing -DeleteComments $false
Bad URI/Wrong rule applied to invite Incorrect order of rules, or vague rules. Typically caused by adjusting our default Matching Values. Some rules can be quite vague in their matching values. If these rules are higher up in priority, they can sometimes match against incorrect information and produce an incorrect URI.

Ex: Using ([a-z0-9\-_\.]+)@company to try to match a URI could catch any collection of This could be email addresses, URIs, etc.
Ensure your most common meeting types are represented further up the priority list and any vague rules are moved to the bottom.

If your primary rules are affected, try to be more specific in their search terms.

Note: Our default rules, applied correctly, should have not cause this.
No match in CONTROL or logs, but rule applies correctly when using Regex tester Meeting invitation is likely HTML based Regex does not account for HTML tags. If your meeting invites are as such, the default Matching Rules may not apply correctly.
Adjust your rule to look within the HTML for the correct information.
If possible, use "in Headers" rules for internal invitations, as they bypass all of these issues.
If unfamiliar with Regex, reach out to Support for help.
No match in CONTROL or logs using default rule. Non-positive result in Regex tester. Meeting invitation is likely modified. Typically this is from rewording or rearranging the invitation. Some of our default rules look for specific components in the meeting type they apply to. If the standard invite template has been modified this can cause the rules to be unable to find those components.

Ex: A standard template may try to match an invite containing:
Dial SIP: 12345678
with the rule "SIP:(\d{8,})"
But if the wording in the standard invite is changed to "Dial

ID" the default rule will no longer process correctly without being updated.
We recommend keeping all invites in a default setting as issued by the provider.
Ensure any changes from a default meeting template are reflected in the Matching Rules.
If possible, use "in Headers" rules for internal invitations, as they bypass all of these issues.
Please reach out to Support if you are unsure on what changes to make or if they are necessary.
Meetings from external users aren't being processed. Rules configured to only apply to Internal invites When creating rules you have the option to have them apply to Internal, External, or All invites. Some rules are strictly Internal only. e.g "Teams in Headers".
As Exchange can't read header information from external sources, if there is no additional rule to process these, Synergy SKY will have no further action it can take.
Ensure you have Matching Rules for your expected external meeting types, and they are set to "All" or "External" invites.

Ex: If you use Teams primarily, and also receive a large number of Teams invites from clients your rule list may look like this.
1. Teams in Headers (Internal)
2. Teams in Body Limited (All)



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